At Centreon, our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) guides our actions for a more sustainable future, combining innovation, ethics and respect for the environment.

Corporate Social Responsibility

"Companies first and foremost have an economic role, which is to create wealth, accompanied by a social function, which is to provide a living for their employees. But they also have a societal function, concerning, for example, the fight against discrimination, gender equality and environmental protection. In particular, they have a major role to play in the fight against climate change, which is undoubtedly the main challenge of this century." - André Comte-Sponville (translated from French).
Our CSR Policy
At Centreon, our commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is at the heart of our culture and mission. As a key player in the IT sector, we firmly believe that innovation must go hand in hand with responsibility towards our environment, our employees, and society as a whole. Our CSR approach reflects this vision: we are committed to reducing our ecological footprint, promoting an inclusive and ethical working environment, and actively contributing to the well-being of communities. For Centreon, CSR is not just an obligation, it's an opportunity to build a sustainable future, while embodying our values on a daily basis.
Our CSR Engagements

ONU Global Compact
By incorporating the Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact into strategies, policies and procedures, and establishing a culture of integrity, we are not only upholding our basic responsibilities to people and planet, but also setting the stage for long-term success.

Planet Tech’Care
Planet Tech'Care brings together sustainable digital players, convinced that digital technology represents major opportunities for innovation at the service of the ecological transition.

Centreon Charters
We are committed to the highest standards of environmental protection and ethical conduct. To this end, we have developed two internal charters that reflect our commitment to these core values.

What is CSR?
Common misconception: “CSR is mainly about environmental actions”.
❌ Wrong! CSR is actually based on 3 pillars: Environmental - Societal - Economic.
Major Themes
ISO 26000 is a benchmark standard for CSR, providing a framework for structuring a responsible approach within an organization. This standard inspires our approach and our CSR policy, notably through the 7 major themes that we integrate into our practices.
Organization governance
Commitment initiated and supported by the Executive Team
Follow-up at Executive Committee meetings
Respect for human's rights
Protection of our customers' and employees' data in compliance with the RGPD
Transparent recruitment process focused on skills
Alert procedure accessible to all in order to report and correct any risky situation
Disability referent
💪 Bonus: regular awareness-raising events around disability and diversity (Pink October, Disability Week, etc).
Responsible relations and working conditions
Onboarding of new collaborators: welcome breakfast, online integration program, discussion with the manager, etc.
Close management: monthly follow-ups by managers
Career follow-up: professional and annual interviews, training catalog
Social dialogue: employee representatives and employee benefits (luncheon vouchers, etc.)
Quality of life at work: teleworking charter, disconnection charter, internal events
💪 Bonus: an annual survey that enables us to measure and track changes in employee satisfaction. This barometer achieved a score of 4.04/5 in 2024, with 66% participation from our employees.
Preserving the environment
Carbon audit to be carried out in 2023 and 2024 to identify our levers for action
Membership of Planet Tech'Care and the UN Global Compact
Objective of extending the lifespan of our IT equipment and business telephones
💪 Bonus: Silver 2023 certification by Greenly, which puts us in the top 15% of the world's most mature companies on the subject.
Ethics and fair operating practices
Ethical charter
💪 Bonus: collaborations with small local producers to enrich our internal events and support the local economy around our offices.
Respect for consumer interests
Compliance with the General Terms and Conditions of Sale (GTCS)
Measuring customer satisfaction: mission reports, customer satisfaction surveys
💪 Bonus: an NPS score of +39, reflecting our customers' satisfaction and loyalty.
Local development and general interest
Participation in events and trade fairs related to our business
Donation of IT equipment to associations

💡 Did you know?
600 kg of raw materials are needed to manufacture a 2kg computer
6% increase/year in energy consumption is linked to digital worldwide
4% of greenhouse gas emissions are caused by the digital sector every year, i.e. more than global air transport
Our Carbon Footprint
Why did we choose to carry out a carbon audit?
We chose to carry out our carbon footprint in order to become fully aware of our environmental impact and take concrete action in favor of the planet. Measuring our CO2 emissions is a key step in identifying possible sources of reduction and adopting more sustainable practices. This approach is in line with our desire to actively contribute to the fight against climate change, while reinforcing our commitment to corporate social responsibility. Carrying out this assessment in association with a trusted partner such as Greenly is an essential lever for us to act responsibly and sustainably.
Our results
4.5t of CO2e per employee
-24% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions between 2022 and 2023
We are proud to have been awarded a silver medal, which places us in the top 15% of the world's most mature companies on the subject.

Our Commitments for the Years Ahead
Raise awareness and train our teams (webinars, online quiz, etc.)
Reduce our carbon footprint: strengthen our supplier selection criteria, extend the lifespan of our equipment (computers, telephones)
Revise the responsible purchasing charter and create a supplier selection grid to guarantee objective criteria integrating quality, CSR and information security
Implement rounding of salaries to the benefit of associations

Are you interested in our commitments?
Find out about open positions and apply to Centreon!